WordPress is an important ecommerce platform powering more than 40% of websites. It is preferred by ecommerce
platforms, bloggers, and companies. The platform generates a lot of data daily,
which makes it a major target for online attacks. WordPress users should be
knowledgeable of the ways to keep the platform secure.
This is important for data protection
and website integrity maintenance. Important components requiring protection
are plugins, themes, and databases. Different strategies help WordPress users
keep their platforms secure.
Why WordPress security is important
Anyone using WordPress for the first
time will likely ask is WordPress secure for use. The platform contains many
security walls targeting its databases and infrastructure. Every platform
powered by WordPress however should play its role in cybersecurity. Its
security is important for data and transaction safety protection.
The Safari browser is important for
WordPress platform users. It is a secure browser with many security-oriented
features. The browser sometimes lands into problems and fails to open for
several reasons. The main reason could be improper configurations or
conflicting plugins. It could also happen because Safari can’t establish a
secure connection. If Safari can't open page,
check whether it is the website that is not responding. If you tried this and
Safari could not open the page, delete the browser cache and update the SSL
certificate. You can also update the operating system or scan for
Cyberattacks today are common and
affect everyone connected online. WordPress can be hacked and cause damage to
your online business. Hackers target the platform due to the large number of
users it powers. Attackers are always keen to identify weak points and strike.
Hacking WordPress is no longer a new thing in the online world.
Protecting your important data is
critical. Users expect their personal data stored on your platform to be
secure. Attacks expose this data and take away user trust. You have a legal
responsibility under GDPR to protect user information. WordPress security is
important for protecting your data. It avoids the huge financial losses that go
with attacks.
Important WordPress components that require securing
WordPress has many components and each requires security. You should understand these components and the type of security they demand. Here is the important WordPress security checklist.
- WordPress database. The database contains all your information like user accounts and
marketing content. A breach can have a serious effect on your business. You
must protect this data.
- Important WordPress installations. These are files that make the platform’s architecture. They are the
power behind your website. A breach in these can cripple your entire
- User accounts. User accounts contain data for your customers and work team. Secure
these accounts including the admin account.
- Plugins and themes. Plugins and themes make your website more user-friendly. They let you
customize your website in many ways. These components require protection at
every level.
- File permissions. File permissions should be correct. They should be configured properly
to prevent unauthorized access.
- The hosting infrastructure. Ensure the server and entire hosting environment are secure.

Strategies for effective WordPress protection
Many people desire to know is WordPress
safe and what their role is. This platform hosts more than 40% of all websites
globally. This is a lot of data and any hacker would value it significantly.
Although the platform has strong security installations, users could cause
various breaches. Learning how to secure a website on WordPress is crucial.
Here are the different strategies that work well.
Add security plugins to your website
Security plugins are files that create an extra protection wall around your website. They help with malware detection and website monitoring against attacks. There are several security plugins you may consider. Here are examples.
- Sucuri Security. This plugin monitors your website 24/7 for any suspicious access or
use. It scans for malware and blocks any possible threats.
- Wordfence. Wordfence is equipped with powerful security features like scanners
and firewalls. It scans all WordPress components to prevent attacks and bad
- iThemes security. This plugin protects websites through brute force. It locks out any
user who guesses passwords many times.
- Update everything regularly.
An updated WordPress website has
stronger defenses than an outdated one. Keep every component updated like
themes, software, and plugins. The team that developed this platform releases
updates regularly. These updates help with fixing security issues. They can
help prevent hackers from finding a weak point to attack your website.
You may allow automated WordPress
security updates or go for manual processes. Automated updates allow the
website to detect updates and install them. This ensures your system has the
latest security issues fixed all the time. Manual updates let you use
customized settings and choose patches that fit you best.
Use the backup strategy
A backup strategy lets you maintain a
clean copy of your data. Make sure the copy is current by updating it often.
They act as your recovery point if you lose data for any reason. If you have a
busy WordPress platform, maintain a habit of daily backups. You can automate
the process to let the system create a copy every time you create new data. You
may use plugins like BackWPuo or Updraft Plus to implement automated
Be strict with access authentication
WordPress security experts say poor
authentication is a major cause of account breaches. Strict access
authentication helps prevent unauthorized access and account misuse. There are
several access control strategies for your WordPress account.
The two common methods are multi-factor
and password authentication. Anyone authorized to use the site must have a
secure password. It should have complex features that make it harder to guess.
Create passwords with a mix of numbers and letters. Add characters like uppercase, &, @, *, etc.
Multi-factor authentication is another
strategy for strict access control. This method is set to send an alert when
someone tries to access an account. Some plugins help with access
authentication. An example is Google Authenticator.
Be selective with the hosting provider
You may let WordPress host your website
or use a different hosting service. Some hosting providers are not keen on
online security. They do not implement strong security measures for their
platforms. Choose a hosting provider with strong security measures.
How to secure a website could be
determined by the tools offered by your hosting service. For example, a
provider with an SSL certificate provides better security solutions. SSL
encrypts data making it impossible to read. Go for managed hosting to let the
provider handle your website's security issues. The provider handles
maintenance, backups, and updates.
Monitor WordPress website for vulnerabilities and malware
Your WordPress website contains strong
security features. Hackers sometimes break through your security walls. A
WordPress security audit helps you identify and stop possible attacks before
they happen. Monitoring secures your website and protects its data and users.
You can do automated or manual account scans.
Automated scans are implemented through
a variety of plugins. They send notifications once they detect unusual
activity. You can also do manual monitoring for your website. This option helps
you closely check each security component. This process lets you check the
settings and any suspicious files.
Limit plugins and monitor them for security gaps
Plugins make your WordPress website
more functional and user-friendly. However, they can be the source of a slow
and unsecured website. Some plugins are heavy and occupy a lot of space in your
website. They can affect speed if you install too many of them.
Identify only the important plugins and
install them. Update them regularly to ensure they have the latest security
patches. Never install plugins from any app store or developer. Test them to
ensure they have strong security features. Select the latest apps to benefit
from the best security features.
Limit login attempts and disable file editing
Website attackers use different
strategies to access your account. Many of them nowadays use AI-powered tools
to monitor your site for weaknesses and strikes. One of the old and popular
hacking methods is password guessing. Hackers feed data to machine learning
tools to learn your password patterns. My secure practice is to limit login
attempts and editing on a WordPress website.
An attacker spends many hours guessing
possible passwords until they get one that works. You can limit chain success
chances by limiting password guesses. Set your website to block users after a
certain number of password guesses. You can set the website to lock out an IP
address. This should happen after several failed attempts. This discourages
hackers from hacking into your account.
Additionally, do not allow people to
edit your files directory. If you allow, some can change the settings or
disable them. Block editing your website’s code or any other component. Provide
special permissions to the people with authorized access and editing.
Investing in WordPress security might
seem daunting and costly. However, the cost caused by breaches and identity
theft can be more. Protect every component of your website. Limit the number of
plugins and test them for security. Restrict access through strong password
access. Monitor activities across your website and update everything regularly.