Church of the Highlands Exposed: The Truth Will Shock You

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Church of the Highlands Exposed

Church of the Highlands might have been exposed to your social periphery all your life, but were you getting the whole picture? To many people who admire this megachurch owing to its fast-growing nature and extensive influence over the community, there are some realities that are probably hidden. In this post, there will be some hidden truths about the Church of the Highlands that will amaze you. From how it grew exponentially, to issues it experienced we will discuss the different aspects of this prominent religious organization.

The rapid growth and Influence of Religious organisations

Growth Trajectory

Thus, the Church of the Highlands exposed that was started in the year 2001 has witnessed tremendous growth. A start up in Birmingham Alabama over the years has grown to a mega church with campuses across the states and other neighbouring ones. Thus, the growth rate could be attributed to the church’s willingness to innovate and the new age worship that has been adopted.

This is not the growth of the numbers or even physical size, but the expansion of the Church of the Highlands Conference geographically. Having more than twenty campuses and with an average weekly attendance of more than fifty thousand people, NewSpring is one of the biggest churches in the country. This growth clearly has, therefore, been sponsored by vision, planning and leadership.

Community Impact

The successful practice of the Church of the Highlands does not only impact the members of the church. This is a very socially active church providing numerous social services and other projects directed on enhancing the welfare of the local population. In the field of charity work and more specifically in the category of food donation and education programs, the church has been influential in enhancing the lives of the people in the society.

Leadership and Vision

I would like to note that leadership is one of the critical success factors that lead to the Church of the Highlands’ growth. Pastored by Chris Hodges the church has a concise and profound plan for the future. First, Hodges emphasizes commitment to the matter and empowers his subordinates, encourages them to come up with creative ideas, and emphasizes the church’s mission.

Controversies and Criticisms

Financial Transparency

However like all organizations the Church of the Highlands has not been able to escape controversy. One of the major problems that it has encountered is one that is tied to the concerns of financial reporting. The church has been accused of mismanaging the financial resources it receives and not coming out in the open as to how they handle the large sum of money that comes in.

Leadership Practices

One of the other contentious issues that have been witnessed in the church is leadership practices. Some members and critics who have left the church as well as those still in the church have been complaining of the lack of proper governance in how the church is being run and the accountability of the church leaders. Some critics have accused the West African country’s administration of authoritarianism and absence of balances.

Doctrinal Disputes

The church of the Highland has not been shielded for doctrinal conflicts either. But as many of the religious bodies demonstrate, people in the institution may hold different perspectives and, therefore, disagree. Several reviewers have cried foul on the theological stands claiming that they do not subscribe to hallowed Christian temperament.

Positive Contributions and Achievements

Community Outreach Programs

However, the good that the Church of the Highlands brings cannot be ignored by stakeholders/ The Church of the Highlands has been engaged in the following positive activity. Outside infrastructures, the church is extremely engaged in the outreach programs that address social needs. From giving out food to the homeless to organising clinics where people can go without being charged, the work of this church is real and it has touched so many lives.

Educational Efforts

Education is another sector where the Church of the Highlands has greatly invested on. The mentioned sectors indicate the areas that the Church of the Highlands has invested on heavily. The church through Highlands College has several programs formulated with the goal of preparing the students for the leadership roles in ministry and other related professions.

Global Missions

Besides, the Church of the Highlands is aimed at not only the local church ministry but also at overseas evangelism. The church undertakes a number of schemes or initiatives on the global front that seek to initiate change in the lives of the global population. These are various endeavours in construction of school, availability of clean water and supporting health facilities.


In this regard the Church of the Highlands is a very large and diverse logo centered organization. It has recorded commendable growth and has impacted a large number of people in the society but like any other organization, it has not been exempted from controversies and challenges. This way, people would be able to get an even clearer picture of this rather influential church of theirs: what it is doing right, and what wrong according to critics.

No matter if you are an active member, a skeptic or an observer, the narrative of the Church of the Highlands is one that is always in progress. The ideals of growth, service and community continue to be the focus as it looks to the future for the church.

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