How to Create a Subscription-Based Platform for Content Creators?

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Platform for Content Creators

Are you a creator exploring ways to earn a recurring income? Embracing a creative pursuit is empowering emotionally, but is it enough to earn a living?

If you are one of those creative souls looking to take your profession to the next level, a subscription-based platform might be all you need! The strategic revenue-creation approach is great for connecting with your buzzing community, but it requires a clear strategy!

In this blog, we walk you through all the steps to create a subscription-based platform for content creators.

Let's jump right in!

What are the Benefits of Creating a Subscription Platform?

The subscription-based economy is expected to reach the 1.5 trillion mark by 2025.  Moreover, subscription platforms like Patreon, Substack, and Kajabi are adding the creator economy narrative!

But before you delve into how to make an app like Patreon or similar platforms, let's explore the benefits of creating one!

     Predictable Source of Income

The subscription-based model empowers both creators and members. While members gain access to a product or service, creators earn a steady source of income! A win-win indeed!

     Reduced Customer Acquisition Cost

The average customer acquisition cost is five times more than customer retention. By saving your time and efforts on marketing or chasing a new prospect, you can scale down your overall budget.

     Create Customer Loyalty

By nurturing customer relationships through subscriptions, businesses can create a loyal customer base.

     Increased Customer Retention and Lower Churn Rate

Churn is real and could be the biggest obstacle to growth. With the increased engagement and value from subscriptions, customers stick with your business for a long time. Moreover, 60%-70% more revenue can be expected from an existing customer.

How to Create a Subscription-Based Platform?

Let's explore the steps to build a subscription-based platform!

Step 1: Choose a Profitable Niche

The first step to creating a subscription platform is identifying a lucrative niche. You could create a platform for music artists, celebrities, influencers, podcasters, video creators or a platform like Patreon for creators of all kinds.

Consider your expertise, skills, experience, and interests while discovering your big subscription idea. Finally, validate your niche by ensuring its demand and profitability!

Step 2: Perform Business Analysis

An essential aspect before scaling your business idea is to ensure it is a market fit!

Ask the following questions to gain a clear perspective of your business:

     Have you defined a buyer's persona based on the ideal target audience?

     Does your platform edge ahead with a unique business proposition?

     Does it align with current marketing trends and buying patterns?

Step 3: Determine Your Business Model

Your business model sums up your products, target market, expenses, and profits. In simple words, a business model is how your platform drives money!

These are some prominent business models in the creator economy:

     Tiered subscription models

     Ad-revenue model

     Sponsorship models

     Freemium model


     Affiliate Marketing

Step 4: Design Your Subscription Platform

Once you have determined the business model, identify your website's core features and functionalities. Create a clean and intuitive design to deliver a great platform experience!

Listed below are the must-have features for creating a subscription platform:

     Customer Subscription Management

     Payment Gateway

     Detailed Analytics and Reporting

     Third-party integration and compatibility

What kind of content do you wish to offer? Does it include courses, workshops, videos, discussion boards, or live events? Based on the content delivery and format, design your platform.

Step 5: Build Your Subscription Platform

Finally, it's time to start choosing a platform for your subscription platform!

You can host your subscription services on all-in-one platforms like Kajabi, Podia or Thinkific. However, it has a few caveats, such as lack of ownership, monthly payments, etc.

If you’re planning to develop a custom solution, it isn't always feasible. Developing a platform like Patreon requires around $40,000 to $60,000 approximately.

A better approach is a Patreon clone script like Fanso that reduces the cost and time required to build a subscription-based platform. From subscription management to a robust analytics dashboard, the platform script has all the essential features for creating a robust subscription platform!

Step 6: Market Your Subscription-Based Website

Well, you might have a comprehensive subscription platform, but what if customers don't know it exists? Leverage the right marketing strategies to increase visibility, drive conversions and create hype around your platform!

Consider the following marketing strategies for outreaching the maximum clients:

     Share testimonials, behind-the-scenes content, and product teasers on social media

     Invest in paid ads to increase product awareness

     Build an email list to send newsletters and promotional mail

     Host content, polls, and giveaways on social media or your website

     Collaborate with micro-influencers to widen outreach

Step 7: Monitor the Platform Growth and Scale

The last step is to keep a pulse of how well your platform is performing and whether it is experiencing headwinds or tailwinds in its growth trajectory!

Look out for the following key metrics to track its performance:

     Engagement levels

     Annual & monthly recurring revenue

     Churn rate

     Enrollment rate

     Customer acquisition cost

     Customer lifetime value

The Bottom Line

Creating a subscription platform is certainly a smart move! From recurring revenue to high engagement levels and reduced churn rate, it touches all the keynotes! Rather than falling for the whims and fancy of social media algorithms or expensive SAAS platforms, leverage a clone script for a smooth development and launch!

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