Impact of Modern Technology on Intelligence and IQ: Insights from CerebrumIQ

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For teenagers fifty years ago could not even think about what technologies await their descendants. Computers and smartphones, tablets, video games and virtual reality, artificial intelligence appeared. Of course, today's youth are completely immersed in this entire digital world and spend quite a lot of time there, which is why many parents and teachers are concerned about how modern technologies affect cognitive development. CerebrumIQ, a leading research organization dedicated to understanding the complexities of the brain, studied this topic to find out whether growing up with modern technology affects a person's intelligence or IQ.

CerebrumIQ finds the connection

Definition of intelligence and IQ

First, you need to understand that we all mean the same terminology because intelligence and IQ are a fairly broad concept. We can talk here about different cognitive abilities. These may be problem-solving, memory, reasoning, and learning. IQ, or intelligence quotient, is a standardized measure designed to assess these cognitive abilities and compare a person's performance to a normative sample. You can check your intelligence level on the cerebrum website where at the beginning you will be asked to take the test itself. Next, you will receive a report on the results of your answers, and also find out your strengths and weaknesses. Having understood these two concepts, we can explore the issue of influence on intelligence in more detail.


Technology and cognitive stimulation

One argument for the positive impact of technology on intelligence is that it provides unprecedented cognitive stimulation. Agree, with how much more interesting and exciting children's learning has become thanks to educational applications, interactive games, and online learning platforms. From the simplest examples, we can recall puzzles, by solving which children learn to make decisions on their own and develop logical thinking and cause-and-effect relationships. Memory games help improve memorization. If you use such technologies wisely, you can improve school performance. Therefore, in this case, technology has a positive impact on intelligence.


The role of video games

Many parents often prohibit their children from playing video games because they believe that it is useless and the children become aggressive. But firstly, games are different, and secondly, it is necessary to control the time spent on them - but the games themselves are not harmful, quite the contrary. They may have cognitive benefits. CerebrumIQ research shows that certain types of video games, especially those that require strategic thinking, multitasking, and quick decision-making, can improve spatial awareness, attention, and reaction speed. For example, action games are associated with improved visual processing and faster reaction times. If your child prefers strategic play, problem-solving, and planning skills may improve during this time.


Digital literacy and information processing

If we compare how competently children and the older generation, who grew up without gadgets, behave in the digital world, we will find out that children have better digital literacy. And this is a very important skill in the modern world. It is important to be able to search and filter information and use it safely. Every day we deal with huge amounts of information, and children who grow up in the world of modern technology quickly learn to analyze this information qualitatively.


Potential negative consequences

Of course, there are also negative aspects that we could not help but mention. Unfortunately, there are concerns that modern technologies and volumes of information are reducing attention spans. Remember TikTok, where videos are watched for 15 seconds - teenagers find it difficult to concentrate on longer videos, falsely look for the essence of what is happening, and quickly become bored. A constant stream of notifications, messages, and multimedia content can lead to fragmented attention and decreased ability to focus on long-term tasks. Research suggests that excessive screen time is correlated with attention problems in children and adolescents. Therefore, you need to monitor how much time children spend on gadgets.


Social interaction and emotional intelligence

But there is another area that could potentially suffer from modern technology - socialization and emotional intelligence. Many people will be surprised why, because, on the contrary, many applications on phones and computers are aimed at improving interaction between people. For example, two hundred years ago, in the days of postal mail, people could wait weeks or even months for a response from the recipient of a letter. Nowadays, message notifications arrive on your phone within seconds after they are sent. However, these tools can also reduce the number of face-to-face interactions that are vital for developing social skills and emotional intelligence. After all, with the help of gadgets, it is difficult to comprehend the nuances of nonverbal communication, empathy, and emotion regulation. But the good news is that you just need to spend a lot of time communicating offline and the negative effect will be neutralized.



The relationship between modern technology and intelligence is complex and multifaceted. There are pros and cons, but we believe that a balanced approach that combines the benefits of technology with traditional activities is the key to optimizing cognitive development.


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