10 Reasons to Invest in Shoe Machinery

Techy bullion
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Shoe Machinery

Global footwear market is predicted to grow to $440 billion by the year 2025. With increased demand for shoes in the market, it is wise for practitioners to think about purchasing shoe machinery. But what other advantages can it have - let us show you! Listed below are 10 reasons why you should consider investing in shoe production equipment!

1. Growing Demand for Shoes

Global population is on the rise and people’s incomes are gradually improving in developing nations, and this is translating to higher demand for shoes. The popularity of shoes has been rising and more people are now able to buy a number of quality shoes. This creates a chance for footwear manufacturing industries to implement a second round of economies of scale. The increasing demand for quality shoes will be met through investing in modern shoe machines.

2. Shorter Time to Market

The use of automated shoe making machines leads to drastic reduction on the amount of time taken when making shoes. Special cutting equipment, molding machines, and computerized stitching enable factories to produce a large number of processed shoes within a short timespan. This makes it possible for factories producing footwear to be in a position to respond to the fashion trends that are current in the market.

3. Reduce Labor Costs

Managing an assembly line for shoemaking is a wholly manual process, by definition. The application of automated footwear making machine entails being able to invest in orders that do not heavily rely on large numbers of people. This serves to reduce the cost of employing human resources in the organization dramatically. Modern computerized automatic machines are also more efficient and reliable than the older machines.

4. Consistent Quality

Programmable shoes making tools are more helpful than conventional tools because they offer more control over the precision and consistency of the shoes being made. One of the advantages of automation is that it helps in avoiding mistakes and low quality defects. This leads to decreased wastage of costly hides and other synthetic materials that are used in making these shoes. Once both pieces of text are complete, automated QA checks ensure every final pair adheres to company quality.

5. Eco-Friendly Production

New shoe machines employ energy and material in order to produce more shoes as compared to the earlier machine. Automated cutting and planning systems help in reducing leather wastage. Automated gluing and stitching processes are also cleaner. In addition to saving a substantial amount of time, the gluing and stitching processes that are automated also have less debris than their manually operated counterparts. There are also many new machines that have energy-saving features as well as energy-saving capabilities that are incorporated. The acquisition of such equipment will assist in enhancing an organization's production process in a way that is less harmful to the natural environment.

6. Safety Standards

It is important to note that operating heavy shoe machinery in a footwear factory the risks of occupational safety are present. However, newer models of automated shoe manufacturing machinery do factor in the safety of the operator. It shows how various components such as safety sensors, machine guarding, or emergency stop contribute to risk reduction. This keeps worker’s healthy which in turn boosts their efficiency on the job.

7. Retail Partnerships

If your company has high capacity production lines and a good system of quality control, you will be a good manufacturing partner for the big-box retail stores. This assists in locking down future supply arrangements at reasonable costs. It is also common for retailers to provide favorable financing terms to vendors for the introduction of automation programs.

8. Government Incentives

Some new supply countries offer money to upgrade and modernize for shoe production. This includes such things as soft loans and tax exemptions for the importation of shoe making machinery. Measures are directed at development of employment and export-oriented industries. In this case, it is recommended to apply for suitable schemes as this can increase the ROI.

9. Develop In-House Capability

An advanced shoe factory is not completely reliant on third-party vendors for such processes. For instance, investing in injection molding can result in high and total first unit production capability being achieved in-house. This leads to improved quality assurance and also keeps trade secrets for production processes or design intellectual property.

10. Future-Proof Business

Shifts in demand and technologically-inspired developments will hold the key to future development in the shoe sector. Relatively speaking, flexible automated shoe machinery give you the ability to adapt to changes in market requirements, technology, or components. Flexible tools can support the testing and implementation of new strategies such as 3D printing, eco-sourced materials, smart clothing and personalization.


The growing demand in domestic and international footwear markets, fulfilled by machinery sellers like BSM India, is an ideal time to upgrade production facilities. Automated shoe machinery has high fixed cost investment but provides enhanced production, more adaptability, and improved quality assurance compared to manual labor. 

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